Apple iPhone 14: release date, leaks, price, and more

Apple is expected to launch the new iPhone 14 in late 2022, but this one got an early start on the rumor mill, with the first bits of news coming in before the iPhone 13 had even made its debut. But, as a release so far out, the little bits we have heard are likely to evolve and change over the coming year. Phones take a long time to build, and conditions like the ongoing pandemic and chip shortage could still force a change in plans before launch, so take everything here with a measure of skepticism.

With that out of the way, here’s everything we know so far about the iPhone 14 series.


iPhone 13 fall 2021 lineup: iPhone Pro Max, iPhone Pro, iPhone13, iPhone 13 Mini.
Taylor Frint/Digital Trends Graphic

Apple has shipped multiple iPhone models since the iPhone 5S, and the iPhone 14 is expected to be no different. Unlike the iPhone 13 and the iPhone 12 before it, however, the 14 is predicted by multiple analysts to be discarding the expected 5.4-inch…

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