Using Artificial Intelligence to Write Your Biography

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making a ton of headlines lately as society learns more about its capabilities and how it will shape the future. While the technology is incredible, the more we hear about its ability to mimic voices and create pictures that can say and show anything someone wants them to, it does feel like we’re inching closer and closer to The Terminator movies becoming more like documentaries. With that said, it is fun to tinker around with which is what I did recently with the first AI service to make headlines over the past several months, ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is like Google or Siri, but seemingly far more advanced. Unlike those platforms that show you existing information for whatever question you have, ChatGPT creates it right in front of your eyes using the “knowledge” it as been given by its creators. Want it to write a short story in the form of a famous…

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