Why Does My New HDTV’s Picture Look Sped Up and “Smooth”?

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com

You’ve unpacked and installed your new HDTV, you’ve fired it up, and despite the expectation that everything should look magnificent on it, you can’t get over how everything looks uncannily smooth and downright weird…almost as if it were sped up (even though it technically isn’t). Read on as we explain why and show you how to fix it.

What It’s Called

You are absolutely not imagining what you’re seeing. Most movies and TV shows these days are filmed at 24 frames per second, but video in higher framerate is much smoother. This is often known as the “Soap Opera Effect”, because back in the day, television soap operas had low budgets and used low budget video cameras instead of the full fledged film cameras their better-funded television counterparts were using. Video was higher framerate than film, though, so motion was…

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