Ali Ahmed Al-Sheikh: Dollar fraud and exploitation on the black market in Egypt

2023-10-28 10:00:00

The issue of swindling is different in this group. It is usual for members to swindle each other, but in our topic, the group owners, with the help of some members, exploit the rest of the victimized members. Instead of the group owners being the honorable mediators in this group, they have become the thieves!!

Digital Currency Club Group in the Arab World

He owns this the group Two young men in the prime of their lives who trade in God, religion, people’s feelings and money. They tell the members that they are the intermediaries between them and the fake members who agreed with them. They convince people to send them money, and as soon as they send it, the story begins and they try to take the largest amount of money from you, and when you tell them that is enough, I just want that deal now it ends. The story is that you were expelled from the group and…

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